Wednesday 13th December 2017

The third record of Puffin in recent weeks is unprecedented as next to no auks being seen at the moment. Northbound 36 Red-throated Diver is the best count of the winter so far, 9 Shelduck, 6 Common Gull, 5 Common Scoter, 2 Mallard, 2 Gadwal & Brent Goose with northbound Red-throat, Gannet & Kittiwake. Passerines on the move southbound 7 Mipits & 2 Mistle Thrush with an additional 10 Mipits on the reserve where there have been none in recent days. Single Rock Pipit has returned to the point having abandoned us in the rough weather. 1,631 Cormorants went out fishing and at least 1 Goldcrest is surviving tucked up in the Holm Oaks.