Wednesday 14th February 2018

493 Cormorants went out fishing early but we are informed that several groups left the roost and flew north-east over Trimley so will have missed us. Purple Sandpiper at the point flew off over the river mouth into Essex which explains why there appearance here is unpredictable recently. A couple of Ringed Plovers on the reserve early on left after being chased off by a Rottweiler running amok. The PSPO applied for Landguard Nature Reserve (and other areas in Suffolk) has been approved although signage will have to be erected and it will need enforcing if the situation regarding dogs off leads & dog fouling is to improve. Hopefully progress is being made in this department to stop the anti-social behaviour that is not only detrimental to the wildlife that tries to use the site, but blights the lives of the law abiding people who visit.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird.