Wednesday 28th February 2018

Overnight low of minus - 4.6 Celsius and still only minus - 2.4 Celsius now but the wind chill on top of that in an increasing SE gale is positively evil. More snow overnight has blown onto sheltered areas and caused some damage to the roof of the Helgoland trap but hopefully the increasing wind will stop any more accumulations on the roof of the trap despite blizzard conditions now in force as the wind picks up the fine dusty snow from exposed parts and blows it around. Bird wise no offshore movements of waterfowl although its far to cold to observe into the onshore gale for to long (40 mins starring out produced a highlight of just 2 Kitts). 3 Mipits flew south over the Fort & a Woodcock is new in. No doubt if these sub-zero conditions prevail for to long then vulnerable species like Robins & Wrens will basically die as a result of the lack of feeding opportunities caused by snow cover. Finally 5 Turnstone along the riverbank is the highest count for some time.