Friday 23rd March 2018

Firecrest on the Butts during the morning

The wind has moved around to the South overnight and many of the grounded migrants from the previous few days have moved on.
Noted on the reserve, 1 Black Redstart, 1 Firecrest & 1 Woodcock. 
Offshore movement going North, 3 Red-throated Diver plus 1 going South, 1 Kittiwake. Going out to sea West 4 Cormorant plus 4 coming in off the sea going East and 2 going North. Going South, 54 Brent Goose, 4 Oystercatcher, 4 Starling plus 3 going North and 16 on the reserve, 1 Jackdaw & 1 Shelduck. Late news - Bluethroat still by the Butts pond late afternoon.

The Satellite comes out on milder nights throughout the winter.

0 birds ringed: