Friday 2nd March 2018

Overnight low of minus - 1.7 Celsius and only half a degree above that now but in an Easterly force 7 the wind chill is not pleasant. 4 Little Gulls offshore all morning but apart from 56 Cormorants going out fishing and 12 Brent north just a few seagulls. Waders along the riverbank were 7 Turnstone, Ringed Plover, Knot & Redshank plus Grey Plover towards the point and later over the observatory. Rock Pipit also along the riverbank & a Fieldfare on site conclude the sightings of note although for those of you who like Med Gulls a couple of the adults in the View Point car park area look absolutely stunning at the moment.

With the strong onshore wind a huge quantity of sand has blown onto the reserve over the last few days as this picture taken from the observatory helps illustrate.