Ringing total for March 2018

Continental Coal Tit ringed this month.

241 birds of 23 species ringed during March. Considering the poor weather to start the month and the Easterly winds this is an above average total in the previous ten years.

Blackbird 85
Redwing 31
Song Thrush 21
Great Tit 16
Goldcrest 14
Chiffchaff 12
Robin 12
Firecrest 9
Dunnock 6
Long-tailed Tit 6
Blue Tit 5
Black Redstart 4
Chaffinch 4
Wren 4
Fieldfare 2
Stonechat 2
Woodpigeon 2
Bluethroat (white-spotted) 1
Bullfinch 1
Coal Tit (Conti) 1
Sparrowhawk 1
Starling 1
Woodcock 1