Saturday 17th March 2018

Turnstone on the sea wall.

Strong wind from the East with snow showers during the morning, a complete contrast to the spring feel of the previous few days. Black Redstart were seen briefly around the seawatch hide along with Stonechat in the same area, there was an increased movement of Blackbird too. Towards the point Purple Sandpiper and Turnstone.

Noted on the reserve, 50 Blackbird, 5 Skylark, 3 Stonechat, 3 Turnstone, 2 Black Redstart, 1 Lapwing, 1 purple sandpiper. 

Offshore movement going North, 8 Common Scoter, going South, 90 Brent Goose & 14 Teal. Going out to sea East, 4 Cormorant.

31 birds ringed: Blackbird 22, Song Thrush 8, Robin 1.