Sunday 4th March 2018

Thaw setting in. A Grey Heron walking around the reserve early on is novel for here as is a Barwit on the beach. Also on the beach 7 Ringed Plover, Sanderling & Turnstone with a Little Gull feeding just offshore. 1192 Cormorant went out fishing early on. A few offshore movements including southbound 4 Dunlin, Red-breasted Merganser and Oyk with northbound 20 Brent, Shelduck, Oyk & Curlew. On the reserve single Fieldfare & Mipit plus the Rock Pipit around the jetty. Good to find a couple of Robins & Wrens plus a Goldcrest have survived the cold snap although the amount of mortality will become apparent over the coming days. An emaciated freshly dead Woodcock in the compound & a dead first-winter Kittiwake on the tideline are known casualties although other corpses will no doubt have been quickly scavenged.