Thursday 1st March 2018

No fresh snow overnight but more this morning in an Easterly force 7 blizzard. Overnight low of minus - 4.2 Celsius and a wicked wind chill this morning with a daytime high of just minus - 2.4 Celsius so far. Water pipes to toilet finally frozen but not to the kitchen thankfully. Difficult to observe what was going on due to the blizzard except to say some waders were finally being forced to move although numbers counted probably only a fraction of those forced to move with southbound 300 Brent (one flock), 91 Dunlin, 22 Knot, 6 Shelduck & 5 Ringed Plover. Along the riverbank 5 Turnstone and 3 Dunlin desperately trying to find something to eat on the tideline plus a single Redshank flushed from the beach out the front by a dog walker. St David's Day was supposed to signify the first day of the spring - dream on !

Plenty of footprints in the snow including foxy loxy.