Recent Ringing Recoveries

Goldcrest ringed Burgh Haamstede, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, The Netherlands 21st September 2011 retrapped 166 Km away at Landguard 4th October 2012 only taking over 5 years for the information to reach us. Blackbird ringed Knapp Castle Estate, West Sussex 14th December 2017 retrapped 160 km away at Landguard 17th March 2018. Chiffchaff ringed Chelmarsh Reservoir, Shropshire 25th July 2017 retrapped 261 km away at Landguard 14th April 2018. Blackcap ringed Levington 16th August 2017 retrapped 9 km away at Landguard 9th April 2018 on its way back in for the season. Great Tit ringed Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex 26th September 2017 retrapped 8 km away at Landguard 6th April 2018 plus a couple of other locally ringed Great Tits retrapped here this spring as they wander about.