Sunday 20th May 2018

Following poor breeding success in the drought of the first half of 2017 plus the "beasts from the East" earlier this year the Song Thrush population has declined from three to just a single breeding pair (with another just to the north of us around the Custom's House).

Migrants hard to come by although at least 3 new Chiffchaff passing through. A Collared Dove coming in off the sea harks back to the days when they first invaded our shores 50 years ago when many of the original pioneers used to arrive in the second half of May & June. 2 Jackdaw came in from the north & left to the West, a Whimbrel flew north, single Stock Dove on the reserve and a female White Wagtail was out the back (although we are suspicious that this bird may be paired with a local male Pied).

Knot Grass normally appears here later in the year. The literature informs us that they have two generations so this one is presumably from the first generation that is not noted here very often.

Ringing: 3 Chiffchaff, 1 Linnet.