Friday 22nd June 2018

 Common Tern plunge-diving at the point on the falling tide.

A clear start to the day and a Northwesterly breeze that gathered pace through the morning. A male Black Redstart was singing near the Butts and slowly moving towards the Observatory, a duller Black Redstart was also in the area, a Reed Warbler was on the Ickie ridge briefly singing. Ten species of butterfly were recorded during the morning, Small Tortoiseshell that have freshly emerged and look very vibrant, Green Hairstreak which are now coming to the end of their flight period and Meadow Brown which are increasing in abundance. Hairy Dragonfly and Large Red Damselfly were seen at the Observatory and a Large Red Damselfly was on the Butts pond.

Offshore at the point on the falling tide, 300 Herring Gull, 50 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 30 Black-headed Gull, 21 Little Tern, 4 Common Tern, 1 Great Black-backed Gull & 1 Med Gull. Noted on the reserve, 275 Starling, 60 Linnet, 7 Pied Wagtail, 6 Shelduck, 6 Swift, 2 Black Redstart & 1 Reed Warbler. Offshore passage was quiet this morning.

Peppered moth is a widespread species that flies between May and August.

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