Sunday 24th June 2018

Large Skipper became extinct here in 1995 but reappeared in 2012 (one record) and again this year. This aberrant individual was the third Large Skipper noted so far this year and it is hoped that the species will recolonise. 

Migrant birds were represented by a Lapwing. Of note were more baby Lesser Whitethroats coming out to play plus a juvenile Black Redstart that has presumably been reared in the adjoining docks.

In the moth department a Bordered Gothic put in an appearance with our only previous records in 2000 & 2011. It has been in serious decline across England and is now a proposed Red Data Book species.

Lilac Beauty is not rare but has only been noted here in seven previous years.

10 birds ringed: 6 Great Tit, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Black Redstart, 1 Linnet.