Sunday 3rd June 2018

Rose-coloured Starling numbers have doubled. Originally thought to be 2 different birds early morning "General Consensus" decided that one of them was actually yesterdays bird (that did a bunk mid-day yesterday presumably into urban gardens nearby) now joined by a new adult. Glorious sunny start with belts of mist & fog rolling in from 0630 hrs to the time of writing. A Little Ringed Plover was flying around 0500 hrs before departing south. Other migrants today were 3 Reed Warbler, female Blackcap, Swift, House & Sand Martin. Little Terns are regular offshore & in the river in small numbers in recent days but in this fog its difficult to work out how many are loitering today.

Shoulder-striped Wainscot is one of those widespread species that only ordains us with it's presence on odd occasions each year.

Ringing: 1 Blackcap, 1 Reed Warbler.