Tuesday 19th June 2018

Meds amongst the melee off the point.

On the move southbound 268 Swift, 6 Wood Pigeon, 2 Swallow, 1 Redshank & 1 Sand Martin with northbound 10 Swift. Difficult to know what Wood Pigeons are up to flying high south offshore at this time of the year except that we have noted odd movements like this in June in previous year. Sand Martin is the first of the autumn, not that you wanted to hear that. On site a dispersing juv Coal Tit and a Chiffchaff that arrived a couple of days back. 4 Sanderling are on the beach. Worth highlighting the first Greenfinch that we have ringed this year, which is a sad state of affairs when one compares this with our biggest year with 2251 ringed in 1987. Those of us who were actively birding last century when Greenfinch's were an abundant species never saw this coming !

Dark Spectacle is a fairly frequent visitor to our traps whose food-plant is Nettles so it can occur in a wide variety of locations.

Ringing: 1 Greenfinch, 1 Linnet, 1 Robin.