Monday 16th July

Bit of a surprise to get a young juvenile Cetti's Warbler considering how low the population is this year in East Anglia following the "beast from the east" back in March which resulted in an almost total wipe-out at many sites. This is only the 8th Landguard record with previous records being in April/May & September/October. Strange that we should get a summer dispersing youngster this year as this phenomena never occurred when populations were higher. Other migrants were southbound 93 Black-headed Gull, 10 Swallow, Curlew & Redshank with northbound 10 Common Scoter plus a Grey Wagtail doing some loitering. Of greater note than the above is Mrs Shelduck with 16 tiny ducklings heading from the reserve out to the sea as, although Shelduck are present on site from March to July, we very rarely prove that they breed successfully.

Species diversity in the moth traps is large at the moment with several species turning up that we only see occasionally including the Drinker & White-spotted Pug. The Drinker likes damp areas so understandably is not here very often whereas the food plants for the pug are on site but its population size is unknown.

17 birds ringed: 5 House Sparrow, 5 Linnet, 4 Whitethroat, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Cetti's Warbler, 1 Goldfinch.