Ringing total for July 2018

194 of 21 species of birds ringed during July. This is a low total for July, there is only one record lower for July in the previous 30 years, which was in 2001 with 190 birds ringed. The average for July during the previous 10 years is 250 birds ringed.

House Sparrow 65
Linnet 40
Great Tit 15
Wren 15
Whitethroat 13
Starling 8
Blackbird 5
Blue Tit 5
Goldfinch 5
Dunnock 4
Lesser Whitethroat 4
Blackcap 3
Chaffinch 3
Herring Gull 2
Cetti's Warbler 1
Green Woodpecker 1
Meadow Pipit 1
Reed Warbler 1
Robin 1
Song Thrush 1
Woodpigeon 1