Thursday 12th July 2018

This pair of Ringos are on their fourth clutch this year with the other three attempts having failed. You have to admire their perseverance.

A Chiffchaff sang briefly is suggestive of a non-breeding adult loitering furtively on site as spring migration should be done and dusted and its to early for autumn migration in this species. Offshore northbound 11 Teal & 4 Sandwich Tern. A Gadwal flew over the observatory heading out and a Swallow going south are the only other movements noted. Nice selection of Med Gulls of assorted ages and plumage's knocking about in recent days. One only has to look back at the paucity of records in the mid 1980's to when we could identify the Med Gulls as individuals by plumage characteristics as there were that few of them in the local area in the "good old days" - how times have changed.

Euzophera pinguis is an Ash tree specialist so not sure why it bothers to disperse down to here.

Ringing: 2 Starling, 1 Chaffinch, 1 House Sparrow, 1 Linnet, 1 Whitethroat.