Tuesday 24th July 2018

Many of the Skippers are getting faded, worn and past their best making identification even more tricky as they very rarely sit still in this heat.

Both Reed & Willow Warbler here today are the firsts of this autumn. Visible movements were southbound 29 Swallow & a Sand Martin on another hot morning.

Sandhill Rustic is a classic example of the encroaching autumn as species recorded moves onto the next seasonal phase. It is a Nationally scarce species living on salt-marsh grasses with this form occurring on the Suffolk, Essex and North Kent coast. Maiden's Blush is an infrequent visitor from Oak woodlands.

5 birds ringed: 1 Goldfinch, 1 House Sparrow, 1 Linnet, 1 Reed warbler, 1 Whitethroat.