October Ringing Totals

852 birds of 29 species ringed is 10% down on the average for the past ten years and 40% down on the October average totals in the last century - but, as we all know, there are just less birds around these days.

Blackbird 162
Goldcrest 119
Song Thrush 69
Robin 59
Chaffinch  57
Blackcap 48
Starling 44
Long-tailed Tit 41
Great Tit 39
Meadow Pipit 39
Redwing  38
Chiffchaff 33
Lesser Redpoll 23
Blue Tit 18
Wren 16
Goldfinch 8
Fieldfare 7
Dunnock 6
Brambling 5
House Sparrow 5
Woodpigeon 5
Grey Wagtail 2
Sparrowhawk 2
Yellow-browed Warbler 2
Firecrest 1
Greenfinch 1
Redstart 1
Swallow 1
Yellowhammer 1