Saturday 27th October 2018

Handful of new Blackies were coming in off the sea during the afternoon.

Distinctly cooler so 3 Swallows moving south need to get a move on. Far to much time spent starring out to sea than it deserved produced southbound 105 Teal, 90 Brent, 72 Wigeon, 48 Black-headed Gull, 29 Shelduck, 8 Common Scoter, 2 Gadwal, 2 Gannet, Guillemot, Oyk, Little Egret & Red-throated Diver with northbound 11 Brent, 8 Teal, 5 Common Scoter, 4 Wigeon & Curlew which sounds impressive but birds per hour was on the low side. 24 Common Scoter sat on the sea for a while & a Bonxie did some loitering in the distance. Passerines heading south over the reserve were 16 Goldfinch, 8 Mipit, Skylark & Rock Pipit plus 30 Skylark, 26 Redwing, 7 Fieldfare, Snipe and a few Blackies in off the sea. 812 Cormorant headed out to sea fishing early on as a male Peregrine hunted along the beach. Migrants on site hard to come across but included 25 Blackbird, Redwing & Snipe.

Ringing: 13 Blackbird, 2 Redwing.