November Ringing Totals

395 birds of 27 species is 25% down on last years November total but higher then the totals for the previous five years.

Black Redstart 1
Blackbird 95
Blackcap 5
Black-headed Gull 1
Blue Tit 2
Chaffinch 10
Chiffchaff 2
Fieldfare 2
Dunnock 1
Firecrest 4
Goldcrest 128
Goldfinch 6
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Great Tit 2
Grey Wagtail 1
House Sparrow 3
Kestrel 1
Long-tailed Tit 28
Meadow Pipit 7
Palas's Warbler 1
Redpoll (Common) 1
Redpoll (Lesser) 27
Redwing 19
Robin 23
Song Thrush 14
Woodpigeon 2
Wren 8