Sunday 25th November 2018

Marsh Harrier coming in off the sea & heading inland is presumably contemplating spending the winter in Britain. The Cormorants heading out to sea fishing early morning have been missing us out recently but this morning they came over us in force with 3,402 counted which is a huge number for this early in the winter. On site migrants limited to 2 Redwing, Fieldfare, Song Thrush plus a new Chaffinch. Offshore southbound 30 Wigeon, 28 Common Scoter, 8 Teal, 4 Pintail, 2 Brent, 2 Mallard & Goldeneye with northbound 11 Brent, 3 Kitts, 2 Greylags & Gannet.

Ringing: 1 Chaffinch, 1 Song Thrush.