Tuesday 27th November 2018

Last knockings but not to late in the autumn for a couple of tardy Blackcaps, Chiffchaff & Firecrest to still be arriving into Britain for the winter. Late arriving Blackbirds carry on into December but a new Robin & Wren are also on the drag. Vis mig barely existent but represented by southbound 6 Linnet & a Skylark. Offshore southbound 78 Brent, 58 Teal, 13 Red-breasted Merganser, 8 Wigeon, 5 Gadwal, & 2 Shelduck with northbound 56 Cormorant, 9 Common Scoter, 5 Snipe, 5 Turnstone & Barnacle Goose plus a Shag that came in off the sea then headed into Essex up the Stour. On site at least 15 Mipit & 8 Goldcrests remain.

Mottled Umber is a winter flyer that due to the bleak exposed conditions at Landguard is not recorded annually.

Ringing: 2 Blackcap, 1 Blackbird, 1 Firecrest, 1 Robin, 1 Wren.