Friday 21st December 2018

Dull drizzly start then picking up to a minor gale by mid-day. Either missed the Cormorants going out this morning, or they went out to sea on a different trajectory or culling at the roost inland yesterday evening but only 36 logged heading out. Offshore a few more seagulls following shipping than in recent days plus 10 Kitts, 4 Gannet & a Bonxie that loitered for almost an hour even coming closer in off the point. Also logged southbound 4 Common Scoter, Brent & Red-throated Diver with northbound 2 Gannet & Red-throat. An hour before high tide 7 Ringed Plover & Dunlin on the beach departed into Essex. Hopefully now we are getting the shortest day of the year out of the way things will start to look up as the days lengthen - birdwise and mental health !

Winter Stalkball is a site speciality that is fairly common here on the calcareous soils being helped by leachage of mineral salts from the old buildings to provide its needs.