Tuesday 1st January 2019

1,780 Cormorant went out fishing. Plenty of Red-throated Diver offshore at the moment with 141 heading north in a 40 minute spell earlier & 28 south in a 15 minute spell late morning. Also noted moving south 5 Common Scoter, 3 Shelduck & a Skylark over the reserve. The 2 Stonechat are still at the north end. 3 new Blue Tit ringed is just what bird ringers would expect at other sites in mid-winter but here it is exceptional as we very rarely catch any new Bluey's between mid-November and early March. These three turned up with a couple of old hands plus a solitary Long-tailed Tit originally ringed here in October that we have not seen since. Also of note this morning was a Porpoise as we only rarely note this cetacean at this time of the year.