Recent Ringing Recoveries

Blackbird ringed Landguard 27th October 2018 was a road casualty 572 km away in Glasgow on 26th January 2019 - this is an odd one as autumn Blackbirds do not normally head up to Scotland in the same winter after being ringed here. Med Gull ringed Landguard 15th October 2000 that has been regularly noted 78 km away in Great Yarmouth in the middle of winter was also reported 221 km away in the Total Colony, Antwerpen, Belgium in April 2017 which may be its nesting area (although some Med Gulls are notorious for changing breeding colonies). Also a handful of Lesser Redpoll ringed at Landguard on autumn passage have been controlled in south-east Suffolk later in the winter. Finally a Great Tit ringed Landguard last October took two days to find its way around the docks to Trimley Marshes.