March Ringing Totals

152 birds of 21 species including only our third ever Carrion Crow and Red-flanked Bluetail ringed. Although one might think the bluetail is a girl but it is actually a first year male which was a learning curve for us. Ageing is by the presence of some old greater coverts plus tail feathers more pointed than any of the reference photos found. Its a male due to the brightness of blue on the tail plus the blue extending well up onto the upper tail coverts to the lower back. Wing length is one millimetre greater than the largest female which also helps (although the sample sizes found were not large).

Chiffchaff 37
Goldcrest 23
Redwing 20
Blackbird 12
Firecrest 11
Robin 11
Chaffinch 6
Dunnock 4
Song Thrush 4
Wren 4
Blackcap 3
Great Tit 3
Wood Pigeon 3
Linnet 2
Long-tailed Tit 2
Sparrowhawk 2
Blue Tit 1
Carrion Crow 1
Goldfinch 1
House Sparrow 1
Red-flanked Bluetail 1