June Ringing Totals.

363 birds of 21 species. This is well up on last year and twice the 2017 total and is largely down to a welcome improvement in juvenile productivity in several species. 5 Coal Tit is a high figure with the juvenile Goldcrest exceptional.

Linnet 156
House Sparrow 40
Goldfinch 33
Dunnock 26
Great Tit 18
Blue Tit 16
Robin 9
Starling 8
Whitethroat 8
Wren 8
Blackcap 7
Lesser Whitethroat 7
Wood Pigeon 7
Coal Tit 5
Blackbird 3
Chiffchaff 3
Reed Warbler 3
Black Redstart 1
Chaffinch 1
Goldcrest 1
Pied Wagtail 1