Monday 21st October 2019

This morning we had a very interesting result from our Motus receiver, which picked up the signal of a German ringed Robin in the vicinity of the observatory. This Robin was ringed in September on Heligoland, then subsequently moved through the Low Countries and was recorded south of Amsterdam yesterday. We await further details of what time each of the signals on either side of the North Sea were received, but it presumably flew over in the night before the filthy weather set it.  

Map showing the rough flightline of the Robin ringed and tagged 25th September 2019 on Heligoland, Germany.

Speaking of filthy weather there were a good number of thrushes and robins around grounded by the rain, but the conditions were less than ideal for recording, and no nets were open for ringing in the deluge. We had a full set of winter thrushes with 26 Fieldfare, 20 Blackbird, 15 Song Thrush, 6 Redwing, 1 Mistle Thrush and 1 Ring Ouzel. Other highlights were 37 Skylark, 2 Brambling, 1 Hawfinch, 1 Redstart and the first Black Redstart of the season. The afternoon proved slightly more clement with a Short-eared Owl seen on the point and a Woodcock flushed within the Obs compound, with more Goldcrest and Chiffchaff apparent as well. A late Reed Warbler and Redstart were a nice surprise while ringing before sunset.

The Mallow is a late autumn flyer on calmer nights.

Ringing: 14 Robin, 7 Goldcrest, 3 Dunnock, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackbird, 1 House Sparrow, 1 Woodpigeon, 1 Reed Warbler, 1 Redstart, 1 Blackcap, 1 Song Thrush.