Thursday 14th November 2019

Despite the torrential rain  & south-easterly gale Suffolk's greatest ornithological spectacle didn't disappoint with at least 3,150 Cormorant heading out to sea fishing. Wind dropped & torrential rain turned into showers which allowed some birding but not a lot apparent in the migrant department with 2 Redwing & Woodcock the highlight. 6 Snow Bunting are on the beach. Offshore at least 2,500 Herring & 1,000 Great Black-backed Gulls giving a couple of Bonxies plenty of potential victims. Next to no offshore movements although a Great-northern Diver went north not to far out.

Light Brown Apple Moth is another Australian adventive first noted in this country in the 1930's and now noted almost all year round. It can be very common earlier in the season.

Ringing: nil