Monday 18th November 2019

An Owl pre daylight could not be relocated. Migrants on site almost non-existent although a couple of groups of Long-tailed Tit were noted. Passerines southbound 6 Goldfinch, 6 Linnet, 5 Skylark, 2 Wood Pigeon with northbound Redpoll & Siskin. Female Stonechat on the Butts could be the same as one last noted a couple of days back. 3 Purps & Rockit on the point. Offshore quiet with southbound 9 Common Gull, 8 Black-headed Gull, 7 Brent, 7 Shelduck, 5 Wigeon, 2 Gannet & Red-throated Diver with northbound 5 Common Scoter, 4 Avocet, 3 Gannet, 2 Great-crested Grebe, 2 Oyk & 2 Red-throats. Only 467 Cormorant counted as they seem to be leaving inland roosts and heading out to sea towards Orfordness at the moment and, consequently, we miss them.

First site record of Oak Rustic. This species was recorded in Britain for the first time 20 years ago and is slowly colonising northwards. It lives on Holm Oaks so this ridge should be home from home.

Ringing: Nil.