Saturday 23rd November 2019

Southbound 35 Brent, 22 Common Gull, 9 Black-headed Gull, 7 Shelduck, 5 Pintail, 3 Common Scoter, Avocet, Gannet & Red-throated Diver with northbound 4 Brent & 2 Common Scoter. Only 257 Cormorant seen heading out to sea fishing. Handful of new migrants in this morning including 13 Redwing, 3 Chaffinch, 2 Robin & Blackbird plus, yet another, flock of Long-tailed Tit passing through. Loitering Chiffchaff still here as are 2 Turnstone and Purp Sand on the point & a Rock Pipit along the beach. A mixed flock of 45 Dunlin & Ringos at high tide was shifted by a dog walker before the proportions of each could be accurately sorted.

Ringing: 8 Long-tailed Tit, 2 Robin, 1 Blackbird.