Tuesday 12th November2019

In the absence of much else you are going to have to put up with Snow Bunt photos with 5 posing on the beach. 2,813 Cormorant went out to sea fishing more or less on mass which is a far more impressive sight but impossible to get them all in one photo. Otherwise an incredibly predictable morning with new migrants limited to a couple of new Blackies, Songie, Goldcrest & Robin plus the Bullfinch from a couple of days ago still with us. Vis mig confined to southbound 61 Goldfinch & 3 Chaffinch with offshore movements pathetic and confined to southbound 2 Brent & Red-throated Diver. 2,000 big gulls plus 4 Gannet following shipping might hold something more interesting but with the currant bun straight out in the morning its difficult to identify anything.

Ringing: 2 Blackbird, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Robin, 1 Song Thrush.