Wednesday 25th December 2019

Foxy loxy sunning itself this morning.

A Chiffchaff was the first of its kind this month. Southbound passerines were 5 Linnet, 5 Mipit & 3 Skylark. Offshore southbound 24 Common Gull, 8 Red-throated Diver, 3 Brent &  2 Pintail with northbound 27 Brent, 20 Red-throats & 8 Common Scoter. 2 Purps & Rock Pipit were on the point. 1,320 Cormorant went out to sea fishing (almost none yesterday so maybe some disturbance at the roost ?). 2 Collared Dove are the first we have seen this month which is a tad concerning as they have normally started nesting attempts by now.