Saturday 23rd February 2019

Todays migrant was a high flying Jackdaw heading north plus a high flying Blackbird, that, by its behaviour, looked like the first migrant Blackie of the spring as the locals never go that high. Also noted 2 Goldcrest, Greenfinch, Rock Pipit & Sparrowhawk (pile of fresh female Blackbird feathers on one of the paths looks like one less to count on the daily log).

Friday 22nd February 2019

Thick fog up to 0815 hrs then glorious sunshine. Male Reed Bunting on site early on plus a Skylark heading south late morning are todays migrants. Overwintering birds still with us include 2 Goldcrest, Rock Pipit & Turnstone.

Moth traps have been out the last four nights and finally produced a moth - the first Dotted Border of the year.

Recent Ringing Recoveries

Blackbird ringed Landguard 27th October 2018 was a road casualty 572 km away in Glasgow on 26th January 2019 - this is an odd one as autumn Blackbirds do not normally head up to Scotland in the same winter after being ringed here. Med Gull ringed Landguard 15th October 2000 that has been regularly noted 78 km away in Great Yarmouth in the middle of winter was also reported 221 km away in the Total Colony, Antwerpen, Belgium in April 2017 which may be its nesting area (although some Med Gulls are notorious for changing breeding colonies). Also a handful of Lesser Redpoll ringed at Landguard on autumn passage have been controlled in south-east Suffolk later in the winter. Finally a Great Tit ringed Landguard last October took two days to find its way around the docks to Trimley Marshes.

Thursday 21st February 2019

2,730 Cormorant went out fishing early. Migrants on site non-existent apart from the fact, as noted yesterday, spring Great Tit wanderings has begun. On site 2 Stonechat on the Butts & Rock Pipit at the point. Several locals now giving it some welly as the days length setting up territories and getting the art of seduction underway - or just renewing old acquaintances. This male Chaffinch currently has up to four females on site listening to his efforts.

Ringing: 1 Great Tit.

2019 Seasonal Warden


Applicants need to be competent birdwatchers and have a BTO bird ringing ‘C’ permit with a mist net endorsement as a minimum requirement. An interest in other aspects of natural history and biological recording is also needed.

The position runs from Mid-March to Mid-November 2019.

A job description is available on request. If you require any specifics please don’t hesitate to ask. Please e-mail

Nigel Odin
Landguard Bird Observatory



Applicants need to be competent birdwatchers and have a BTO bird ringing ‘C’ permit with a mist net endorsement as a minimum requirement. An interest in other aspects of natural history and biological recording is also needed.

The position runs from Mid-March to Mid-November 2019.

A job description is available on request. If you require any specifics please don’t hesitate to ask. Please e-mail

Nigel Odin
Landguard Bird Observatory

Wednesday 20th February 2019

Woodlark is today's migrant. Traditionally this species can appear early in the season although our only previous February record is last year. 2,170 Cormorant went out fishing early on. On site 2 Stonechat, Rock Pipit & Turnstone. Limited offshore observations produced a couple of Shelduck & a Red-throated Diver. In the afternoon the first new Great Tit of the spring appeared on a fairly typical date with migrants in this species first appearing in the last week of February.

Ringing: 1 Great Tit

Tuesday 19th February 2019

Spot the birdie !

1,345 Cormorants went out fishing 0645 to 0650 hrs with a couple of later stragglers. Was beginning to thing that many of the winterers had gone back to the continent but still a fair gang in the area. No migrants noted but with a cracking sunny morning the 2 overwintering Goldcrests were seen in the Holm Oaks.

Monday 18th February 2019

869 Cormorant went out fishing. 3 Songies singing. Fog rolled in 0830 hrs so time to abandon ship.

Sunday 17th February 2019

2 Skylark south are todays movers & shakers. Offshore half a dozen Red-throated Diver & a couple of Brent went past. Otherwise extremely predictable although 12 Magpie together is the highest count of the year so far as they gather up for a good old chin wag and argy bargy prior to deciding who is going to go where this breeding season.