March Ringing Totals

A 5♂ Black Redstart caught using a Spring-Trap

An interesting month with 211 birds of 21 species caught. The number of long distance migrants caught tailed off towards the end of the month although the number of Long-tailed Tits processed was high and it seems to be a record Winter for them, with 52 new birds caught in March alone.

A small bit of Spring-Trapping produced 2 Black Redstarts and a Stonechat. The Highlight was a Cetti's Warbler a species rarely ringed at the Obs. Other Highlights of the month included 6 Firecrest, a female Yellowhammer and a Water Rail.

Long-tailed Tit 52
Chiffchaff 40
Blue Tit  22
Great Tit 19
Blackbird 14
Goldcrest 13
Robin 9
Dunnock 8
Firecrest 6
Redwing  6
Wren 6
Chaffinch 4
Song Thrush 3
Black Redstart 2
Cetti's Warbler 1
Linnet 1
Reed Bunting 1
Stonechat 1
Yellowhammer 1
water Rail  1
Wood Pigeon 1