Monday 30th March 2020

A change in the weather with only a slight breeze this morning although annoyingly it didn't lead to much change in the birds. A Goldcrest and Firecrest were still in the bushes and a Black Redstart was briefly on the Fort.

On the Reserve the Stonechat was still present up the northern end and 4 Red-legged Partridges were feeding in front of the Tank Blocks. On the Jetty 6 Turnstone and 2 Purple Sandpiper were busy feeding plus 3 Sanderling on the beach nearby.

On the sea heading northbound were 2 Mallard, 13 Red-throated Divers, 80 Brent and a Common Gull.

Ringing: 2 Robin, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Wren