Saturday 28th March 2020

Another day with a bitter north east wind blowing, with little of note around. A single Firecrest and a Redwing were in the bushes, 2 Siskins and 2 Chaffinches passed overhead.

A Stonechat was at the northern end of the Reserve and 4 Turnstone were at the Jetty.

On the sea heading northbound were 5 Red-throated Divers, 3 Curlew, 2 Gannet and a Greylag Goose while an Oystercatcher headed south.

A Yellow-legged Gull was in the Port roost.

The early nesting Pair of Ringed Plover have failed and abandoned their eggs but with this sort of activity going on mid-day yesterday with this and another large kite occasionally directly over the nest it is not totally surprising. The miscreants were polity spoken with the PSPO & Bylaws explained but ignored a request to stop and carried on.