Thursday 19th March 2020

An overcast, still morning with occasional light drizzle led to a few thrushes at first light. At least 6 Redwing, 5 Blackbird, 3 Fieldfare and 2 Song Thrush were present around the Obs. 20 Chiffchaff, Firecrest and 4 Goldcrest lingered in the bushes and a Woodlark headed north.

Two Wheatears were also present on the Reserve along with 12 Shelduck.

Offshore heading south were 123 Red-throated Divers 2 Gannet while heading northbound were 6 Common Scoter, a Fulmar, a Kittiwake and a Red-throated Diver. Two Dunlin headed west and 3 Common Seals were off the beach.

Ringing: 12 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackbird, 2 Blue Tit, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Great Tit