Thursday 26th March 2020

A change in the weather this morning, with a light north-easterly first thing and a hint of frost. A Fieldfare and a Redwing were both on site first thing, with a Firecrest and Goldcrest present in the bushes. Two Grey Wagtails, a male Bullfinch headed south and 2 Siskin, a Reed Bunting and a Greenfinch headed north. A female Yellowhammer also finally found the nets.

On the reserve a single White Wagtail was amongst the Pied Wags and 4 Turnstone and a Purple Sandpiper were on the Jetty. The first Ringed Plover nest was also discovered, as an incomplete clutch containing two eggs. This is the earliest ever recorded clutch for the site.

On the sea 3 Brent went southbound and 2 Gannet went north.

Ringing: 2 Great Tit, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Wren, 1 Yellowhammer