April Ringing Totals

One of two Jays ringed this month.

A mixed month with numbers and interest picking up towards the end of the month. The number of birds caught was down slight from last month but the number of species is up, with 201 birds of 30 species ringed.

Wood Warbler ringed on the 27th April

The obvious highlight was an early Melodious Warbler trapped on the last day of the month, although an early Wood Warbler is also a strong contender. Other notables include 2 Jays, a Garden Warbler, a Brambling and a Bullfinch.

Adult male Greenland Wheatear ssp.lucorrhoa

Spring Trapping this month has resulted in 27 Wheatears, with the majority being of the ssp.leucorrhoa, 2 Black Redstarts and a female Whinchat.

Blackcap 49
Chiffchaff 29
Wheatear 27
Linnet 16
Robin  10
Blackbird 7
Wren 7
Firecrest 6
Song Thrush 6
House Sparrow 5
Willow Warbler 5
Goldcrest 4
Great Tit 3
Lesser Whitethroat 3
Black Redstart 2
Blue Tit 2
Chaffinch 2
Goldfinch 2
Jay 2
Redwing 2
Wood Pigeon 2
Brambling 1
Bullfinch 1
Dunnock 1
Garden Warbler 1
Greenfinch 1
Melodious Warbler 1
Sparrowhawk 1
Whinchat 1
Whitethroat 1
Wood Warbler 1