Tuesday 21st April 2020

Another day of easterlies, with little change in speed but still pleasant out of the wind. With the lack of rain and strong winds everything is starting to look rather brown and parched, we could really do with a good April shower.

The Redwing was still present on the Reserve this morning. At least 11 Wheatear were present by the Tank Block, 2 Whitethroats were still displaying, a Chiffchaff was singing behind the Obs and a Lesser Whitethroat singing on the Icky Ridge. A Purple Sandpiper was on the Jetty, avoiding the worst of the waves.

On the sea 10 Common Terns, 2 Fulmar, a Whimbrel and a Bonxie headed north.

Behind the Obs in the sunny shelter of the steps was a rather fresh looking Speckled Wood, which makes up for a distinct lack of moths at the moment.

Ringing: 1 House Sparrow