Tuesday 28th April 2020

A change in the weather but this one bringing some much needed rain but only a few birds.

A Blackcap, 4 Whitethroats and 3 Lesser Whitethroat were in the scrub. A Fieldfare was feeding with the Starlings on the Nature Reserve and 5 Wheatears were by the Tank Traps and the highlight of the morning, the first Whinchat of the year was hanging around the brambles by the Cottage.

The sea was very quiet this morning with a Fulmar and a Whimbrel heading north the only birds of note. There were still 4 Turnstone at the Jetty and a Porpoise was also seen in the River mouth.

The moth trap fared a bit better with the first White Colon of the year, a nationally scare species but is reasonably common here.