Thursday 14th May 2020

Another chilly start to the morning with a light wind from the north picking up as the morning progressed.

There were a few migrants still passing through with a Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and a Blackcaps in the bushes along with the usual singing local summer migrants. Vis-mig was quiet but a single Skylark headed north.

The Stonechat was still on the Reserve along with 3 Wheatears by the Tank Blocks and a Sanderling was on the beach.

On the Sea 17 Common Terns and 7 Little Terns were feeding offshore and a single Kittiwake headed north.

A Muntjac was seen by the fort first thing this morning.

Cochylis atricapitana is common here with the larvae feeding on a range of weed species including Ragwort which is not very common here, so its far likely they are feeding on St John's Wort which is abundant.

Ringing: 1 Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Willow Warbler