Thursday 28th May 2020

The morning started with a light north easterly, before picking up and going slightly more east by midday.

On the bird front it was a little quiet, with the land providing nothing but the usual breeding summer migrants. Vis-Mig included a late Siskin heading south and 5 Swallows also heading south.

There were a few more waders about this morning. A Golden Plover and 4 Sanderling headed north, and a Turnstone and 3 Sanderling were on the beach and a 'Tundra' type Ringed Plover was by the river.

A male Common Scoter was on the sea, 2 Little Terns were feeding offshore and 13 Common Terns headed out of the river and went north.

The number of moths in the traps was lower than the previous few day but included Ethmia terminella, a nationally scarce species living on Vipers Bugloss. It seems to have colonised the site in 2004 when individuals were trapped more frequently.

Ringing: 1 Linnet