Saturday 20th June 2020

Azure Damselflies are having a cracking year in the Heligoland Pond!

A hot breezy day which was rather quieter than yesterday with only a handful of birds recorded around the site. The sightings on the land were the usual juvs and attentive adults and 3 Swifts heading south.

On the sea, a pair of Little Terns headed north and 2 Curlew and a Oystercatcher headed south.

The number of butterflies in the recording area has increased with the warm weather, A total of 11 species were recorded today. This included:Small Tortoiseshell, Small Coppers, Small Skippers, Essex Skippers and Holly Blues.

The moth traps were surprisingly quiet, probably due to the wind last night but there were a few Archer's Dart in the trap. We do quite well for this species as its a specialist of coastal dunes and vegetated shingle.

Ringing: 1 Blue Tit, 1 House Sparrow