Thursday 18th June 2020

The promised and much needed rain put a bit of a dampener on the morning but with the Reserve looking as brown as it is it was desperately needed.

As expected this made it rather difficult to record many birds in the bushes as many were intent on trying to stay dry. The only bird of note in the bushes being a singing male Blackcap which moved to various spots around the Fort over the duration of the morning.

There was a bit more movement on the sea with 35 Common Scoter heading north and 13 Curlew, 2 Oystercatchers and a Mallard heading southbound.

The overnight wet weather led to rather fewer moth in the trap this morning although its always a joy to see the wonderfully camouflaged Bufftip in the trap.

Ringing: 1 Dunnock, 1 House Sparrow