Tuesday 9th June 2020

A cold clear start with the wind shifting round from the north to the south east over the course of the morning.

With a flock of 80 Starlings appearing on the Reserve this morning, it wasn't that unexpected that they were joined by a rosy friend from the east. A rather smart adult Rose-coloured Starling was feeding with the gathered flock, briefly perched in the Tamarisk at the southern end of the obs, before eventually flying high over the river into Essex.

The only other migrant on the deck was a Reed Warbler singing in front of the Ob. Vis mig included 2 Coal Tits, 2 Swift, 3 Barnacle Geese and a Swallow. One of the pairs of Lesser Whitethroat has had some success with 3 recently fledged young ringed.

Common Wainscot is a common species that occurs at Landguard only in low numbers.

Ringing: 5 Great Tit, 3 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Dunnock