Friday 24th July 2020

A drizzly start to the day but it was soon brightened up by a Wood Warbler, which found its way into one of the nets. Hopefully its not the only one we'll see this autumn as they always add a ray of sunshine to the day.

Another Green Woodpecker also found its way into the nets and the Black Redstart was moving around the nature reserve. Fifteen Swifts preceded the rainstorm this morning, and 10 Swallows and 15 Sand Martins passed through as well.

On the sea a few waders were on the move with 9 Oystercatcher, 8 Knot, 3 Dunlin, a Sanderling and a Redshank all heading south and a few Common and Sandwich Terns were offshore.

With the moth traps busy at this time of year, it is easy to forget that the easiest way to record the Nationally Scarce Phyllocnistis xenia is to look for the mines on the Poplars.

Ringing: 4 House Sparrow, 1 Dunnock, 1 Great Tit, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Wood Warbler.